Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbol

With more tokens all of your characters will become stronger so it is important to find all of the vault symbols in Borderlands 2. This Sanctuary vault symbol location guide will go over all 5 locations including how to get to each point. There will be a video directly below that also shows a little more detail.

  1. Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbol Copy
  2. Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbol Generator
  3. Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbols
  4. Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbol List

[With maps and video] All Vault Symbols locations in all regions in Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary DLC.
Note: the exact location of each symbol on the map pictures is indicated by the in-game mark symbol (not the crosshair cursor).

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The Backburner – 2 Vault Symbols

Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbol Copy


At the beginning of the area, in a yellow structure on the water.

Vault Symbol #2

Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbol Generator

Closer to Brick’s house in the HQ.

Dahl Abandon – 5 Vault Symbols

In a corner of the huge ramp at the south.

Vault Symbol #2

On the small town west of the map, find a ledge on the map’s wall, the symbol is at the end of this ledge.

Vault Symbol #3

On the area at the north where you find Mordecai’s post, behind a collapsed container, right at the entrance of this area.

Vault Symbol #4

Just above the previous symbol, find a drawing on the wall and jump to the ledge to your left, follow the path to find the symbol.

On the Mine 191 area. To access this area you must activate the Claptocurrency mission given by Claptrap on Dahl Abandon. 1st picture shows Claptrap’s location (progress on the main story missions until he becomes available). 2nd picture shows Vault Symbol’s location.

The Burrows – 2 Vault Symbols

At the beginning of the area, on a ledge at the map’s south wall.

Vault Symbol #2

Near the end of the area, on the ceiling of a structure closer to one of the generators you have to destroy.

Helios Fallen – 6 Vault Symbols

At the beginning of the area, take the ramp near the volleyball’s net and then to your right. The symbols is on the floor.

Vault Symbol #2

Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbols

This one is on an high area you can’t reach “normally” (2nd image) and requires very tricky and precise jumps. It’s better if you can watch the video as it’s hard to explain with text, but I’ll do my best. Near the location on the map (1st image) there’s two yellow boxes in a corner (3rd image) jump over them until you reach the ledges on the wall just above the boxes, from that ledge jump to the other next to it and then jump to the scaffolding right in from of it. This jump has to be very precise as your character has to get “stuck” on the scaffolding, then move slowly to your left and jump from the scaffolding to the area where the symbol is located.

Borderlands 2 Gambling Triple Vault Symbol List

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